Sabtu, 03 September 2011

Bran castle

Bran castle is a fortress or better known as the Palace. The fort is situated near Bran, the border between Transylvania and Wallachia. And by common among these places are known as "Dracula's Castle" (although this is only one of the few places linked with the legend of Dracula, like the Palace and the Palace Hunyad Poienari.

Not only that, history also shows that a tyrant named Vlad the Impaler never lived in this palace. In one of the carvings in the building, described Vlad was partying alone with the "presence" of the victims hanging on the wall.

Because history is pretty awful, now the Palace is now a museum open to tourists. Tourists can see the interior of the individual or by a tour. At the bottom of the hill is a small open-air Museum shows the traditional Romanian peasant structures (cottages, warehouses, etc.) from around the country. But the usual rules in the sights as "vulnerable", the visitors are limited only been until four o'clock in the afternoon only.

Bran castle
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